We sent this email last Friday to those on our email list. Many of our allies found it immensely helpful, so we are posting it here for further reach. 

Dear Friends,

We are keenly aware that many of you are wondering what the future holds now in this world currently gripped by fears surrounding the coronavirus and the global economic implications. So much to be in prayer about. Stasi and I are going into the studio with Morgan and Cherie today to record a special podcast for our allies in this chaotic moment; it will air next Monday, March 16.

Meanwhile, I simply want to remind you of a few basic truths you know in your heart, and have staked your life on:

God remains immensely good. The same Jesus who won your trust, and has proven faithful all these years, is still with you now. Your life is in his hands. He has your future, too.

God is still in control. Not a sparrow can fall but under the Father's watchful care. He remains the Sovereign Lord, ruler of the heavens and earth. None of this caught him by surprise.

Ground yourself in Jesus. The world is reeling; it wants to pull you down with it. Fear and anxiety are more contagious than any virus. This is our chance to shine. Peter tells us to be ready to offer the reason for the hope we have to anyone who asks us (1 Peter 3:15). He's assuming that in times of crisis, the friends of Jesus will be so rooted in him, so grounded in his goodness, that they will have a visibly different reaction to those in the world around them. This is our time to offer hope!

Let's pray for peace. Peace over the world; peace over our communities; peace into the chaos. Only in peace will people react well, make good decisions, find their faith. Peace.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

As for grounding ourselves in God, we are marveling at the timing Jesus had in having us create and release the One Minute Pause App, which many people are reporting is a rescue in this mad hour. It is a beautiful, simple, daily way to bring your attention - and your emotions - back to Jesus. People are wondering how to help children and families with anxiety and fear. There is no help greater than grounding ourselves in the presence of God! In fact, just today, I got this note from an ally of ours...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! The One Minute Pause app has been a rescue. I work in health care with a vulnerable population who is at high risk of the COVID-19. The One Minute Pause app has allowed me to reset, re-center and give it all to God. What a relief. Spread love, not germs."

I love that. Let's spread love—and peace—not germs! Use the Pause App to continually re-center yourself in Jesus and his provision. His goodness. It's available free in the app store. And share the One Minute Pause App with everyone you know! Spread the love and peace of Jesus!

Love you all.

Jesus is still Lord.


PS. Join me each Tuesday in March at 6:00pm Mountain Time for a Facebook live update on living well, rooted in God, during these days. 


About John

John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John met his wife, Stasi, in high school.... READ MORE

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