IF YOU ARE READING THIS BEFORE MARCH 6 you still have time to join us for Fresh Hearts, Strong Hearts—Homecoming ‘21, a live online event.

2020 left us all a bit weary and beat up. Maybe more than a bit weary. We thought it was time for some renewal and refreshment in our hearts! Stasi and I invite you to join us for a 90 minute online live event which I think will feel sort of like a "soul spa." Jesus has been showing us some amazing new ways to tap into the resources of heaven, for the recovery and strengthening of our hearts and souls. We want to share them with you, so that wherever you are—in quarantine or not—you can defy the draining world and live with a fresh wind in your sails! 

Our first Homecoming, back in 2019, was so good; we think this one will be even better!

Homecoming '21 is a live online event, March 6, 1:00pm Mountain Time. To register come to our homepage www.wildatheart.org (you do need to register to get the link). $15 gets you a “household ticket” that anyone in your home can use to join in. 

(And yes—at some point this will probably get posted online in the aftermath. But not for a while, so please join us live if you can!)

Recovering Heart

Speaking of how draining this whole stressed-out world has been, I’m also very excited to announce a brand new offering from Wild at Heart for women, and another for men…

Back in January, we were reflecting on the podcast about the unique challenges of the last twelve months for the hearts of women, and the hearts of men. We know it’s been rough, but I don't think we’ve been able to put words to exactly how it’s been rough in unique ways for women, and for men. To give a few examples…

Women thrive in relationships, but the pandemic made the whole terrain of relationships very hard to navigate. First off, women felt cut off; they simply couldn't get together for coffee or at church or in their small groups, all those daily/weekly rhythm-of-life ways. (Online was a band-aid, but online is just not the same as being face-to-face). To make matters more complicated, it was hard to know what was “right” and “wrong,” who wanted to social distance, who felt strongly about masks...all that. The rich, life-giving relational world of women was made very hard, and women suffered. They are still suffering.

For men, we need to know we can make a difference when things get hard. Men want to feel powerful, effective; we want to come through. But in the pandemic, we were simply told to go home and do...nothing. It was frustrating, emasculating; you saw a lot of anger in men. We could feel there was a battle to be fought, we just didn’t know what the battle was exactly or how to fight. The hearts of men took a real beating over the last year. And these are just two examples among many.

This is why I am really, really grateful we can announce to you two new programs we are offering called The Wild at Heart Experience and The Captivating Experience. 

Last year we created two new film series, one each for men and women—gorgeous, deep, six-part series guiding women and men through the recovery of their hearts. Using those series as the centerpiece, we’ve created a six-week “experience” that you can partake of for free, online. Come and sign up, and you will receive one episode each week of the new film series, together with a reading, scriptures, questions for reflection, and a special podcast that goes with each week’s journey.

You can partake of the “Experiences” simply by coming to www.wildatheart.org/wildatheart or www.wildatheart.org/captivating; or just visit our homepage www.wildatheart.org.

There are many ways to find renewal in your feminine or masculine heart; you can join the “Experience,” or, you can lead a group through the series, or join a group.

We feel this vital offering is right on time, to help us get our hearts back as men and women in a season where we really need refreshing and new strength.

So there you are friends—two offerings from our hearts to yours this month. Homecoming ‘21 on March 6, and the new Wild at Heart Experience and Captivating Experience available on our website anytime starting March 8!

Let’s get some revitalization for the months ahead!


Download the Wild at Heart February/March newsletter here



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About John

John Eldredge is an author (you probably figured that out), a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John met his wife, Stasi, in high school.... READ MORE

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